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抖音sofia创作的原声是什么歌 抖音最火音乐创作的原声

来源: 最后更新:22-10-19 02:05:26


如今越来越来的人在关注着关于生活当中各方各面的知识,因为现在大多数人都想着了解个多的信息,所以也就需要了解于生活当中各方各面的知识,例如说现在不少人就对于抖音sofia创作的原声是什么歌 抖音sofia原创歌曲分享 - 游戏潮方面的知识点比较感兴趣,也是都会在网上进行查阅一些相关的信息,那么既然现在大家都想要了解抖音sofia创作的原声是什么歌 抖音sofia原创歌曲分享 - 游戏潮方面的知识,小编也是整理了一些相关的信息。


这首歌叫做Jocelyn Flores,是XXXTENTACION的



Jocelyn Flores是X的朋友也是他的粉丝,她生前是个模特,没有任何抑郁的迹象,然后突然自杀了...X为她写了这首以她的名字命名的歌纪念她,这首歌之前还有首revenge也是关于她的!



I know you so well so well

I mean I can do anything that he can
I've been pretty
I know you're somewhere somewhere

I've been trapped in my mind girl just holding on
I don't wanna pretend there's something we're nothing
I've been stuck thinking 'bout her I can't hold back
I'm in pain wanna put 10 shots in my brain
I've been tripped by some things I can't change
Suicidal same time I maintain fuck this thing
Get a phone call
Girl that you fuck with killed herself
How is it someone when nobody help
And ever since then man I hate myself
Wanna fucking end it
All wanna see me with no pot to piss in
But niggas been excited 'bout the grave I'm digging
Having conversations about my haste decisions
Fucking sickening
At the same time memory surfaced through the grapevine
But my uncle playing with a slipknot
Post traumatic stress got me fucked up
Been fucked up since a couple months they had a nigga locked up
I be Feeling pain I be feeling pain just to hold on
And I don't feel the same I'm so numb
I be feeling pain I be feeling pain just to hold on
And I don't feel the same I'm so numb
I know you so well
I mean I can do anything that he can
I've been pretty

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