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来源: 最后更新:22-06-29 12:06:04

导读:养猪行情:US - With a growth rate outpacing all other meats, pork continues to be the fastest-growing protein in the US foodservice sector since 2011.The study showed that total pork sold through foodservice outlets reached a record 9.8 billion poun

  US - With a growth rate outpacing all other meats, pork continues to be the fastest-growing protein in the US foodservice sector since 2011.The study showed that total pork sold through foodservice outlets reached a record 9.8 billion pounds, reflecting a volume increase of 533 million pounds over 2013. The 2.6 per cent pork category increase in 2015 outpaced the protein growth average of 0.7 per cent and the total foodservice industry growth of 1.2 per cent.

  美国——在美国餐饮行业自2011年以来,猪肉仍是增长最快的蛋白质,增长率超过所有其他肉类 。研究显示,猪肉通过餐饮渠道销售总额达到创纪录的98亿英镑,数量比2013年增加5.33亿磅。2015年猪肉类增长2.6%,蛋白质平均增长超过0.7%,餐饮业总额增长1.2%。

标签: 猪肉  仍然是  美国  增长  快的  蛋白质  食品  With  gr  



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