怀孕准备 怀孕 分娩 宝宝0-1岁 宝宝1-3岁 宝宝3-6岁


来源: 最后更新:22-06-24 10:22:37


  UK - The majority of consumers feel they eat the right amount of red meat and do not need to cut back, according to consumer research commissioned by the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).The AHDB Consumer Tracker, which is conducted by YouGov, revealed that 55 per cent of respondents felt they eat the right amount of red meat, with 24 per cent saying they were not concerned about the amount they eat.Six per cent responded saying they do not eat enough red meat and would try to eat more, while eight per cent felt they eat too much and would try to eat less.


标签: 红肉  农业和园艺发展委员会  养猪行情  



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