怀孕准备 怀孕 分娩 宝宝0-1岁 宝宝1-3岁 宝宝3-6岁


来源: 最后更新:22-06-21 03:40:47


  EU - A week after Easter, the European pig slaughter market appears to still be a little out of tune.The quantities on offer prove to be sufficient altogether because of the backlog supply resulting from the Easter holidays.Many European countries’ quotations are unchanged still and among them are the Danish, French and Austrian quotations. The Spanish quotation also moved sideward.In view of the missing days of slaughter over the Easter holidays, the German slaughter industry used to its own benefit the good situation as to supply of pigs for slaughter. The 3 cents’ price decrease resulting from it in Germany again caused resentment in Germany and abroad.

  欧洲生猪屠宰市场在重活节后的一周宛然有些不着调。由于重活节(the Easter)假日的存储供应,证明提供的猪肉数量是尽全足够的。许多欧洲国家报价仍未改变,其中包括丹麦(Danish)、法国(French)和奥地利(Austrian)。西班牙(Spanish)的猪肉报价向侧面挪移。考虑到重活节期间幸福的日子,德国屠宰业利用自己在生猪屠宰供应上的优势,猪肉报价再次减少3欧分,引起德国和海外国家市场的愤怒。

标签: 欧盟  猪肉报价  养猪行情  



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