怀孕准备 怀孕 分娩 宝宝0-1岁 宝宝1-3岁 宝宝3-6岁


来源: 最后更新:22-06-21 06:42:59


  CANADA - A member of the Research and Nutritional Services Team with Zinpro says, the longevity of the sow will determine the overall profitability of the breeding herd.The selection and development of replacement gilts will influence both longevity and overall lifetime productivity.Dr. Mark Wilson, a member of the Research and Nutritional Services Team with Zinpro, notes pig's from first litters will not perform as well as those born in subsequent litters.

  美国金宝动物营养公司(Zinpro)营养学团队的一名研究成员称,母猪的寿命将能决心种猪群的集体盈利能力。后备母猪的选择和发育既会影响寿命,也会影响集体盈利能力。Zinpro营养学团队的一名研究成员马克·威尔逊(Mark Wilson)博士指出,要是出生的首席窝小猪表现不好,那么随后出生的猪表现也不会好。

标签: 种猪群  母猪  整体盈利能力  养猪行情  



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