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欧盟猪价:市场平衡-报价稳定 全球猪价走势

来源: 最后更新:22-06-21 06:42:20


  Most of the countries recorded unchanged quotations in the EU pig price comparison. The supply pressure that had formed over Easter could be sold meanwhile. Thus, the markets got back to being balanced.With just one exception: The Austrians did not yet succeed in freeing themselves from the backlog supply resulting from over the Easter holiday. On top of that, bargain offers from abroad exerted pressure on the domestic market.、According to what a French market observer says, the French market seems to be relieved in connection with the German quotation’s sideward movement. Alternatively, the prices should have been corrected downward on the French meat market in order to be competitive.


标签: 猪价  欧盟  复活节  养猪行情  



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