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母猪饲料生产降低 母猪产前减少饲料有什么好处坏处

来源: 最后更新:22-06-18 10:20:25


  UK - Latest figures from Defra show that one per cent more compound pig feed was produced in the first quarter of 2016 than a year earlier. However, within this total, there was a 5 per cent reduction in breeding pig feed.This is the second consecutive quarter with falling sow feed output, which may be an indication that the tough financial position facing producers is starting to have an effect on sow numbers. However, this conclusion should be treated with some caution, as feed production has not always been a reliable predictor of breeding herd trends in the past.


标签: 猪复合饲料  种猪饲料  英国  养猪行情  



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