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加拿大养猪业呼吁政府 澳大利亚养猪业

来源: 最后更新:22-06-05 11:11:32


  CANADA - Manitoba's pork industry is calling for the federal government support, in the form of new programmes and financial assistance, in its effort to contain a surge in the number of cases of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea, reports Bruce Cochrane.Since the end of April over 30 swine farms in southeastern Manitoba have been affected by Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea, compared to 10 cases over the past three years.Earlier this month representatives of Manitoba's pork industry addressed a House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture emergency hearing to discus PED.Manitoba Pork General Manager Andrew Dickson says this poses a serious threat to the entire herd in western Canada.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,曼尼托巴省养猪业正在呼吁加拿大联邦政府,以新项目和财政搀扶的形式,尽政府最大努力,遏制目前数目激增的猪流行性腹泻病。自四月底,曼尼托巴省东南部有超过30家养猪场,受到猪流行性腹泻疾病感染,而过去三年里猪流行腹泻疫情惟独10起。六月初,曼尼托巴省养猪业代表向加拿大众议院常设委员会提出,召开议论猪流行腹泻的农业紧急闻证会。曼尼托巴省猪肉协会总经理Andrew Dickson称,猪流行性腹泻的发展趋势对加拿大西部的整个畜群呈现出,很大的威胁。

标签: 加拿大  养猪业  猪流行性腹泻  养猪行情  



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